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Examples of successful campaign optimization techniques used by Peachly Digital:

  • A furniture store was running a sale on a specific product line, but the campaign wasn’t performing as well as they had hoped. Peachly Digital’s AI technology optimized the campaign by adjusting the targeting to reach a more specific audience, and by creating new ads that highlighted the discounts and benefits of the sale. As a result, the store saw a 20% increase in sales of the product line within the first month of the campaign.
  • A travel agency was looking to increase bookings for a specific destination. Peachly Digital’s AI technology optimized the campaign by adjusting the targeting to reach people who had previously shown an interest in that destination, and by creating new ads that highlighted the destination’s unique features and attractions. As a result, the agency saw a 25% increase in bookings for that destination within the first month of the campaign.
  • An e-commerce platform was looking to increase sales of a specific product. Peachly Digital’s AI technology optimized the campaign by adjusting the targeting to reach people who had previously shown an interest in similar products, and by creating new ads that highlighted the features and benefits of the product. As a result, the platform saw a 30% increase in sales of the product within the first month of the campaign.
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